Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Adventure of Kayaking

By Larry S. Kang

Nature has always surprised man with its bountiful abundance of beauty and strength. The mighty seas and the long rivers, twisting and turning, and the fierce rapids have always been intimidating. However, there are those adventurers that master the waters through various means, and kayaking is one of these. In one style of kayak, the paddler faces forward with their legs in front of them underneath a deck, and uses a double bladed paddle. Another style is the sit on top kayak. Most kayaks have a long front and rear deck and differ according to the type of water they are designed for. Ocean or sea kayaking is often done in the open sea, while whitewater kayaking is kayaking down the river rapids.

Kayaking adventures come in various different forms throughout the world. Kayaking enthusiasts commonly engage in whale watching, for example. Getting a glimpse of a gray whale or a humpback whale can be a memorable lifetime experience. Some kayakers have even had the opportunity to go kayaking alongside orcas, or killer whales. In a kayak, you can explore the extraordinary wilderness of the ocean in its fullest beauty. Having your own kayaking adventure increases awareness about the environment, the ecosystem and the need to preserve it.

Kayaking lets you discover and enjoy the enchantment and wonder of the beautiful waters and unmatched skies. Outstanding scenery and wildlife are added attractions which kayaking offers and acts as a total stress reliever. In addition to sea kayaking, kayaking adventures can also include lake kayaking and river rafting excursions. It is not necessary to have some prior experience in kayaking as guides who value safety and training as top priorities are available to cater to small groups of kayaking enthusiasts.

Thousands of plants, hundreds of different birds, and pristine waterways await you when you set out on a kayaking expedition. Like in every other sport, there is equipment that no paddler should be without. The primary equipment obviously is the kayak. The type of kayak largely depends on the size of the water body you plan to go kayaking in. For example, whitewater kayaks are much different from sea kayaks. The kayak you choose depends on what type of paddling you prefer, whether whitewater, lake, or ocean.

The next essential piece of equipment is the paddle. There are different types of paddles for different types of kayaking. A little research online or at an outdoor equipment store can help you choose the right paddle for your kayak. Also needed will be a life jacket, or personal flotation device, for every kayaker. Helmets are also required for whitewater kayaking. So, if you intend to go whitewater kayaking, you should definitely include a helmet on your shopping list.

Now that you have a fair idea of the abundant fun kayaking offers and the necessary equipment for this activity, pack your bags, set out on your kayaking expedition, and most of all enjoy! And, please remember to pack all your safety gear such as your life jacket or personal flotation device to ensure safe kayaking adventures!

Larry Kang is a writer on outdoor recreation topics such as hiking, kayaking, and nature photography. Learn more about kayaking trips [] at Kayaks and Kayaking - Kayaking Trips .

Note: If you find this article useful, feel free to republish it on your website, e-zine, or newsletter as long as the credits above remain intact and the hyperlinks stay active.

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"The most important things are length, width and weight," Kitt says. "You have to get the right boat for the right job. The main difference is distance. You have to determine how far you want to paddle. A longer boat goes farther with less effort".

5 Things People Do Wrong When Buying a Kayak


Days 10-11 - 7 more hours

I cut one roll of wire (3 come with the kit) into 3.5 in lengths and made ½ in. staples per the instructions. There is a reason for this. The panels are held together with the staples but the internal forms/supports need longer wires. If you cut them all you will need to buy more wire. I did use about 1½ spools for the hull staples. Half a spool was used on the forms/supports and I have one left for the deck. My work table is now in its prime. It is the perfect height and size for wiring the hull. The 2' width is great for working one side and then the other. Once I got started it was hard to stop. This is the most rewarding part of the project to date. You just watch the hull come together.

I must comment on the fit of the components. Pygmy does a tremendous job of cutting the panels to the exact shape. Everything fits. A couple of forms/supports to install in the bow and stern and on to the next step.

Another comment; the instructions say to place some cardboard boxes under the first panels you wire to raise them off the surface. I used plastic flower pots and it worked even better.

I cut one roll of wire (3 come with the kit) into 3.5 in lengths and made ½ in. staples per the instructions. There is a reason for this. I must comment on the fit of the components. Pygmy does a tremendous job of cutting the panels to the exact shape.Another comment; the instructions say to place some cardboard boxes under the first panels you wire to raise them off the surface. Days 12 - 3 more hours

Finished wiring the hull. Added the spacers to the forms so the hull could be inverted. Tightened all the wires. Remember I said that it was so great to see the hull finally come together? That was before I started tightening all the wires. What a tedious job!

Gluing the joints comes next. I am really pleased as to how straight the lines came out. I do have a suggestion when tightening the wires. I used a linesman's pliers. They are a little heavier than most and make a very nice hammer (please tap gently) in repositioning the panels as you tighten the wires.

Finished wiring the hull. Days 12-13 - 5 more hours

Took a few days off to go camping with my kayak club. Starting gluing the hull, first day did the general overview and the second went back, propping the hull up so I could get the vertical edges. A bit messy project. I don't see any other way to get it done. I anticipate a bunch of sanding prior to glassing. Getting the correct consistency with the wood flour takes some experimenting. It's handy to actually go look at honey before you try to make the epoxy look the consistency of it.

Starting gluing the hullDay 14 - 2 more hours

Removed the wires tonight. Hot glued the supports and everything stayed together. Wow. I had tried not to use epoxy near the wires. There are too many examples on "You Tube" where the wires get permanently epoxied to the boat. I have some gaps to fill but all the wires came out good. Nothing worthy of a photo today.

Day 15 - 2 more hours

Started sanding the hull. It is really hard to imagine how much epoxy drips down the side of your work, no matter how careful you are. The instructions say to file the bow and stern clean, well that is an understatement as to what really needs to be done. I tried just about everything and finally got out the orbital sander with 60 grit paper and went to work. It's working! Probably got about 2/3 to ¾ of the hull darn smooth. I am really surprised how much epoxy had worked itself under the wires. I don't think I will have much to fill in later. Tomorrow I will try to finish sanding the hull.

Started sanding the hull. I will try to finish sanding the hull.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

How to Store Your Paddleboard at Home

By Kate E Gallagher

Stand up paddleboards are used for a surface water sport called paddleboarding. Paddleboarders stand on them and move around the ocean, a lake or a river by use of paddles. They look like surfboards but they are bigger. Due to their big sizes, it becomes hard to store them especially for people with limited spaces in their homes. These are some tips which will help you store your stand up paddleboard securely if you have a limited space in your home.

Use Inflatable Paddleboards

Storage of an inflatable paddleboard can be easy and space saving. After paddleboarding, you need to deflate, roll and place it in a compact storage bag. This bag can then be stored in a shelf, closet, cabinet or even in the trunk of your car. The paddleboard should be cleaned and dried up before storage. This may be a tiresome process as you have to inflate it again before going for paddleboarding but it's very easy to store it especially if you have a limited space in your home.

Use of Paddleboard Racks

You can also install paddleboard racks it the walls of your garage or even house where you can suspend your stand up paddleboard. They have hooks which hold the boards in position and are very easy to install. They will help you utilize the limited space in your home efficiently as you will suspend the paddleboard firmly in the walls of your garage which are usually free. Some racks are very beautiful when fixed at the walls of a house hence can be used as decorative elements as they hold the paddleboards. Hanging the paddleboard on walls is a highly recommended storage method as it keeps them dry which makes them durable.

Build Your Own Rack

A couple of people will custom build their own paddleboard storage areas in their home or backyards. A paddleboard lift can be installed in the ceiling rafters of a garage or attic, so the board lays flat, but it is still safely still out of the way. Others will take to their back yard and get a few pieces of weather treated wood and a tarp and construct their own little paddleboard shelving system. These keep the boards out of the house, where there may be very little space, but still ensures they are not just sitting on the ground outside exposed to the elements.

Any of these methods should be able to give you some good ideas as to where to store your paddleboard at home, especially if you are limited on space.

Article Source:

Paddleboard Dealer Syracuse NY .


Day 6 - 1.5 more hours

Did the second glassing on the current sections. I see the benefits of doing the inside of the panels first. No matter how much weight you place on top of the joint, there tends to be one end or side that ends up slightly. This may leave a blemish in the surface. By doing the inside first you can sand the outside perfectly flat and hence a perfect surface. One more set of panels and the cockpit circle and I can start wiring. Can’t wait!

Also found out what a Murrelet is. It is a smaller Northwestern coastal sea bird related to the auk and puffin. It is also listed as endangered. I am looking for a neat decal to put on my deck that would relate to the murrelet. If anyone has an idea I would love to hear from you. To send ideas, go to the "Submit Article" tab in the left column of our website. Golf tomorrow - no working on boat.

Day 7 -2 More Hours

I have finished combining the individual strips into the 6 (12) panels for assembly. Slight imperfections in the surfaces bother me and I am going to try to lightly sand them smooth before I proceed. Have to make my drilling jig yet. Drilling the initial holes for assemble should take several days. I hope to start wiring the hull together by the weekend.

Day 8 - 3 more hours

All my joints are done and I must admit I don't like them all. I didn't use enough epoxy on the edges to eliminate all the bubbles, especially on the first joints completed. I have feathered them back a bit and only hope the glass coat will cover. The instructions did say to apply adequate amounts of epoxy. It would also have helped if I had cleaned the Mylar sheets used to cover and flatten the joints a little better between usages. Remember, one of the reasons I am writing these reports is so you don't have to repeat my mistakes. (I really hate those project reports were everything goes perfectly anyways.)

The edges at the sheerline are beveled and my drilling jig is made. Tomorrow I start drilling holes for the wires. I did notice that the stern section of one panel is at a slightly different angle. I do hope is doesn't create an alignment problem later. Everything else is really very well aligned. I contacted Pygmy on the panels and they advised that they should work fine. Nice customer support.

All my joints are done and I must admit I don't like them all.Days 8-9 - 4 more hours

Made my drilling jig and got all the holes drilled. You do need to follow the instructions. Get them on the correct sides of the panels and don't forget the ends. I used a small electric screwdriver as a drill. Much lighter and with the " allen head" drive, the bit slips out easily and makes using the jig as a holding device great. Also, use lots of clamps to hold the pieces securely. I am taking the weekend off. The next step is bending my wires into staples.

Made my drilling jig and got all the holes drilled.

Saturday, August 4, 2018



Over the next few weeks you will be able to follow Roger as he finishes his new kayak from the ground up with reports weekly and pictures of his progress as the building unfolds. If you are planning a project like this, you will gain insight about the process. So stay tuned.

Pygmy Murrelet 4PD V2 Project

I have put off, for every possible excuse, my desire to build my own kayak for years. I finally realized that if I continued putting it off, I will never do it. Seeing the review in Sea Kayaker Magazine on the Pygmy Murrelet convinced me that today was a great day to start. So I ordered it.

The biggest concern I had was Fiberglass and Epoxy. I have never worked with these. Second is where to build it. I decided my car was going to spend the summer in the driveway and Epoxy and I were going to learn to be good friends.

There are going be challenges. My garage is 80 years old with the typical 80 years old concrete floor. Dirt would be more level. I will need to add lighting. I need a work surface. I will also have get over my fear of Fiberglass and epoxy.

Over the summer, I will attempt to document my adventures. Hopefully I can point out the problems I have, so you don’t have to repeat them, and show my successes.

Day 1 - 2 Hours

This being my first project of this type, I had read the manuals multiple times. I thought I was ready to start, but since the "Epoxy Manual" had said to practice on some scrap material before starting, I followed those instructions. Wow, I didn’t have anything ready. What an eye opener that was.

Starting over with the real thing, I had my weights cleaned, 2x4's and Mylar cut, all the sets of boards grouped, fiberglass strips measured and cut and finally I thought I was ready to start. My next problem was about to begin.

I am limited as to how much space I had to build the project. To give myself the flattest and most level surface to work on, I took a ¾ inch sheet of plywood, split it down the middle and made a 2' x 16' work surface. Using shims and a good level I succeeded in getting it perfect. Problem is it is too small to join only but a couple of lengths at one time. Using 1 pump of each of the epoxy and hardener, I am left with epoxy that I have no place to use. I will have to mark the pumps in some way that I can reduce my waste.

None the less, I tacked my boards to the surface, aligned my edges and made my first glass joints. Tomorrow I find out how I did. To be continued……..

"Epoxy Manual" had said to practice on some scrap material before starting"Epoxy Manual" had said to practice on some scrap material before startingDay 3 - 2 Hours

Well I have learned that it is very difficult to reduce the amount of Epoxy. Without a full stroke, you don't get the proper mix. Doing the second side of the first panels turned into a mess. It never hardened. Back to full strokes.

Now working on the second set of boards. Photo below shows the width of my work surface. Would be nice to have a nice flat garage floor allow me to do all the boards a once, but don't have that.

Solved another problem. What to do with the panels when I have finished them. I removed one of my boats from the storage rack and put an extension ladder in its place. Works great. To be continued…..

Now working on the second set of boards.Day 5 - 2.5 More Hours

Three Sections (6 pieces) are now joined. I did the first coat of glass on two more sections tonight; one to go. This portion of the build has taken more nights than I wish but I can't complain too much. Trying to complete them all at one time would be a lot of hustling and may have led to more errors.

A note on materials: The manuals state that epoxy will not adhere to plastics bags. They are used under the panels to keep them from being epoxied to the work surface. This is true, but epoxy does adhere to the ink on the bags. This is not good. I am using waxed paper now. It works very clean and is much easier to use than plastic.

Three Sections (6 pieces) are now joined.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

5 Things People Do Wrong When Buying a Kayak

By Emily Peyton

Buying the right kayak can mean the difference between discovering a passion and throwing away money on a miserable experience. Steer clear of these 5 common mistakes and discover why so many people are passionate about kayaking!

1. Assuming beginners and recreational kayakers don't need an expensive kayak. Actually, this is the wrong way around. An experienced kayaker has a much better chance of being able to get a cheap kayak to go straight and not in circles. If you are just interested in occasional recreational kayaking, you need an easy-to-paddle kayak, and cheap kayaks are never easy to paddle - they are like trying to steer a bath tub. People often say to me - I'll start with something cheaper and if I like kayaking, I'll get a better one, but if you get a cheap kayak, YOU WILL NOT LIKE KAYAKING!

2. Buying a short kayak because its easier to carry and transport. Long kayaks go faster and straighter - and if you don't think this matters, try paddling a pool toy across a lake and you will see what I mean. Short kayaks are great for white water because they turn easier. But if you are not into white water, DON'T GET ONE. If you want a lightweight kayak that fits in your car, check out the huge range of quality inflatable kayaks that are now available - you'll be much happier than you would be with a short hard shell.

3. Buying a no-name brand. Design is the most important factor in determining the performance. A well designed kayak will glide through the water, be comfortable to sit in, be stable and be durable. If you go with a no-name brand, it is unlikely that the company will have invested heavily in the design, and you may find that it has no momentum, goes in circles or continually veers to one side, digs uncomfortably into your back or your bum, and then breaks.

4. Buying a tandem kayak. If you are soon to participate in the Olympics tandem kayak race, then this purchase might be justified. But if you are a recreational kayaker and you think you might get a tandem so that you can go out with your partner, think again. A bit of independence and distance is healthy in all relationships! Tandems are a cause of tension between kayakers - the person in the back gets splashed, the person in the front isn't setting a steady rhythm, either person isn't paddling enough, etc - and when you want to have a break from all this, you are stuck with a kayak that you can't take out by yourself. If you are hooked on the romance of the tandem, compromise with a convertible kayak that can be paddled solo or tandem.

5. Reading kayak reviews without considering 1-4 above. When you are reading a review, think about whether the person might have made any of the mistakes I have listed. They may be complaining that an inflatable kayak got a puncture on the second use, for example, but did they buy a cheap unknown brand? Similarly, if they are complaining that the kayak is hard to steer straight, is it too short? And if they are complaining about their paddling partner, forgive them - tandem kayaks bring out the worst in people!

Emily Peyton has five years experience selling kayaks in Australia as the owner of

Article Source:

"The most important things are length, width and weight," Kitt says. "You have to get the right boat for the right job. The main difference is distance. You have to determine how far you want to paddle. A longer boat goes farther with less effort".

Day 74 – 1.5 Hour

First coat of varnish is applied. 2-3 more coats to go. The smell is terrible in the house. We are moving the project to the garage to complete the project. Weather is finally becoming warm enough to finish everything there, plus I have better light.

First coat of varnish is applied. 2-3 more coats to go.Day 75-77 – 4 Hour

3 ½ coats of varnish later and I pulled off the painters tape. I will have to repaint parts of the hull. In the better light I can finally see where it didn’t cover well and I have some varnish runs. I have installed the seat back and drain plugs. Next I will be applying the contact cement for the seat after the varnish cures completely. I must say I am pretty happy.

3 ½ coats of varnish later and I pulled off the painters tape.Day 78 – 1 Hour

Short day today. Installed the seat. I used a "dry erase" marker to outline the seat placement and estimated the interior space necessary to apply the contact cement. After allowing it to dry, I positioned wax paper over the surfaces. This allowed me to place the seat in position without immediate contact being made. I then pulled the wax paper out and applied some bricks and spacer to hold it in position.

I positioned wax paper over the surfaces.Day 79-80 – 1 Hour

I touched up the hull with a little more paint in the areas where it did not cover well. DONE! Moved it outside for some photos and realized I hadn’t installed the foot braces. It will be in the water this week.

DONE! Moved it outside for some photosDONE! Moved it outside for some photosDay 81 – IN THE WATER!

Today we led the boat to water and it did swim. Most rewarding part was the smile on my lady’s face. It is exactly what we were looking for in another boat. Now our biggest problem will be to find some place to store it among the other boats the two of us have. We are now up to eight. I am certain it will get much usage.

This has been a great project. The major problem with the build was shown in Report 7. Trying to fill the fillets between the planks in one step was the killer. If I had done this in two steps I estimate it would have reduced 20-30 hours from the build and given me a much smoother surface to finish. Well, that is why I documented the build. Don’t repeat my errors, learn from them.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Standup Paddleboarding - The Newest Surfing Sport - Everybody Can Do It |Sassafras 12 Canoe Project

By Chuck Herpick

These days, because of the popularity of the Standup Paddleboard sport, it seems that you will see a SUP on just about every lake, bay, river, and calm body of water. You will see them everywhere, because riding a SUP is lots of fun and a great sport. You see them on all of the oceans. In the last few years, you can also go to the interior parts of most countries where there are lakes and water and you will see more and more people of all ages riding them. Most families who have become active in the sport of riding Standup Paddle Boards have more than one SUP in their garage or on the surf rack of their car as they head for the nearest body of water.

Surfboards require waves for enjoyment of standup surfing. With SUPs, you do not need waves to have a good outing. All you need is a smooth body of water and a paddle especially designed and fitted to your height making it possible for you to standup paddle these big boards. They are big boards. But they are light enough for most people to carry and they have carrying handles or straps to make it easy.

This new sport allows you to get together with your friends, social groups, clubs, or just yourself and spend some leisure time on the water, sightseeing, cruising, and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

While you are paddling, you are getting good exercise and some special time alone or with your friends in a very healthy atmosphere. Many who ride a SUP use it for physical training. It is especially good for core, legs, and shoulder training. An hour of steady paddling will wear you out and give you a terrific workout. While you are training or just paddling, it will clear your mind and get your blood flowing for a good cardiovascular workout.

All you need to do is get a board and a paddle that are suited for you so that you will have a smooth stable ride. Proper sizing of your SUP and paddle is very important. It might also be a good idea for you to take a lesson or two from your local surf shop or water sports facility. The experts in the shop and your instructor will make sure that you make the proper choices.

SUPs range in price from $450 to $2,000. They come in different types and designs. There are beginner hard and soft SUPs, intermediate and professional SUPs. After you have taken your lesson, talk to the SUP instructor or shop owner, you will be able to make a good decision based on your own physical condition, size, and level of experience. Your desire and motivation will probably determine how much you decide to invest in your new SUP.

So my friends, get in the flow and try this new fantastic sport.

Article Source:

Day 65 – 1.5 Hours

Completed the major sanding of the outside of the hull. I just have to go over the surface with 220 grit paper and I can start the finish. Enough for the week, I’m tired.

Completed the major sanding of the outside of the hull.

Day 66 – 3 Hours

Finished the fine sanding and after moving the boat to my larger room finally got started with the finish. First I washed the hull with dish soap and after rinsing, rubbed the entire surface with white vinegar. As per the manual, polyurethane paint sometimes does not like to bond to epoxy. I then applied the first coat of polyurethane. Stinky stuff. I wore my respirator and didn’t smell a thing, until I took it off. Really wish it was warmer out, I would have done this in my garage. Now it’s waiting to see if it bonds to the epoxy. I will let it cure for an extra day before the fine sanding and next coat.

 As per the manual, polyurethane paint sometimes does not like to bond to epoxy.

Days 66-69 – 6 Hours

The instructions for the finish is to use light applications, sand with 320 grit paper between coats and probably 3 coats will cover. Well it doesn’t cover in three coats and don’t use a heavier applications or it will run, and I do mean run. I do have a mess to straighten out with my finish. More light coats and more sanding to straighten everything out. My assistant tells me it looks great and it will be her boat, but I am not happy with my efforts. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!

Anyways, it is going to be great. I will be removing the painters tape within the next few days and starting the varnish on the inside and decks. It will be ready for the water soon.


Days 71-73 – 6 Hours

Not a lot to write about so far this week. After stripping the painters tape off I spent the last few days sanding the interior of the hull. Finally I washed the interior and decks with dish soap and white vinegar. The painter tape is now applied to the exterior of the hull and I am ready for the spar varnish. That starts this weekend.

Finally I washed the interior and decks with dish soap and white vinegar.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Paddle Boarding - Leisure Activity Or Extreme Sport? | Sassafras 12 Canoe Project

By Mario St-Cyr

Historians would suggest, that stand-up paddle boarding could be traced back to the islands within the Polynesian triangle, with its strong Hawaiian heritage this new sport is rapidly gaining popularity. Indigenous tribes would have been seen paddling in hollowed-out logs and tree trunks. Today, the logs are lightweight, colorful and shiny!

Who are those people you've seen in the middle of lakes and on our shorelines, who appear to be walking on water? They are people just like you, however they are the fortunate pioneers who have discovered this versatile activity. Paddle boarding can be considered a sport if you choose to "ride" the waves or put some muscle into getting some speed or a leisure activity if you choose to stroll through winding canals as if you were taking a walk or a bike ride through a neighborhood with streets of water. This is an activity that can be experienced alone or as a social experience with friends or family.

This is a sport for everyone - not just those radical gen-x'ers. Paddle boarding is for people who never considered "surfing" or for those who have made surfing their way of life.

The first time you stand on a paddleboard "on" the water you feel completely empowered and have the urge to just GO. The designs of the boards make them so stable that they absorb the "wave action". All you need is a 15 minute introduction to the various strokes which will then allow you to move through the water easily and with confidence. Within an hour or so you feel as though you have "mastered" the cruise and are ready for some "waves."

I have been asked on several occasions, "what does it feel like?" The "buzz" resembles the blissful state a child experiences after riding their bicycle for the first time without training wheels and "not falling off." It is at that moment that you realize that you have discovered a way to enjoy exercise while spending time in the beautiful outdoors and having fun....either alone or with others. Many newbie's find themselves daydreaming as if they were chief tribal warriors in the islands of Polynesia centuries ago. It's a trip!

Every time I'm out on a board, curious onlookers shout out..."what is that?" "Is it hard?" "Must be a great workout!" "Where can I get a board like that?" Paddle boarding is versatile, FUN, relaxing and a great workout! Anyone can do it and quite frankly, it's sexy!

Article Source:

Day 58 – 1 Hours

The decks are epoxied on and the thwart is screwed and epoxied in place. I did have some difficulty getting the decks to lay flat. A couple of bricks did the job nicely. I will invert the hull later and place an adequate fillet to the underside of the decks.

 I did have some difficulty getting the decks to lay flat.Day 59-60 – 1.5 Hours

This has not been a good week. I was out of the country most of last week and this week I have been fighting the flu. I am at a point where I want to complete the project so I did put a little time into the boat. The areas where I sanded through the epoxy, I have started applied a light coating of epoxy to reseal the surface. I inverted the hull and completed the filets at the decks and patched some of the divots in the surface. Not as fast as I would like to be but still working as much as I can.

The areas where I sanded through the epoxy, I have started applied a light coating of epoxy to reseal the surface.Day 61 – 1.5 Hours

So good to be feeling well enough to start the project again. Did a bit for sanding on the divot fills and applied a final coat of epoxy to seal all the wood. Next will be the fine sanding and I can finally get started on the finish. Going to use varnish on the inside, decks and gunwales and Polyurethane on the outside, color to be determined.

Next will be the fine sanding and I can finally get started on the finish. Day 62 – 2 Hours

Was able to sand the lower two planks with 150 grit paper almost to the level I want it. This has been a long project to this point. Finally it is starting to look like the end is near.

Days 63-64 – 3 Hours

More sanding.

"The most important things are length, width and weight," Kitt says. "You have to get the right boat for the right job. The main difference is distance. You have to determine how far you want to paddle. A longer boat goes farther with less effort".

Saturday, July 7, 2018

How to Read a Tide Chart & Sassafras 12 Canoe Project

How to Read a Tide Chart

By Karen Ellery-Jonesand MD Jones

We live on Cape Cod and often go kayaking in the tidal rivers and marshes that the area is famous for. Having a good understanding of tides and currents makes our kayaking trips safer and more enjoyable.

The simple fact is that some of the creeks and salt marshes we most like to kayak just can't be paddled at low tide. The Mashpee River, for instance, can empty out surprisingly quickly when the tide goes out - sometimes by as much as several feet in the space of an hour or two. You don't want to start your journey at the wrong time and find yourself too far upstream when the tide turns. You may end up having to carry your kayak out for miles because the river has suddenly become too shallow to paddle.

Tides are caused by the gravitational effect of the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun. They rise when the moon passes overhead, and again when it passes underfoot (on the other side of the earth). That's why there are two high tides and two low tides every day.

Of course, in a perfect world, this entire cycle would take exactly 24 hours. Then there would be no need for tide charts because high tide and low tide would occur at exactly the same time each day. But the moon takes approximately 24 hours and 50 minutes to completely orbit the earth so a tide that peaks at midnight on one day will do so again a little under an hour later the next.

Because kayakers have to paddle under their own steam, the timing of high and low tide is not the only thing they need to worry about. The direction that a tidal current is moving in at any time in between high tide and low tide is also an important consideration. These are called flood currents when the tide is coming in and ebb currents when it going out and they can be surprisingly strong, particularly on Cape Cod.

All but the fittest of kayakers can be left quite weary if they have to paddle too long against a tidal current. Add in even a modest 5-10 mile an hour headwind and you can be left exhausted and frustrated before your journey is over. That's where a tide chart comes in. It can help you time your trip so that you are paddling, as much as possible, with the tide, rather than against it.

Here's how it works. Let's say your tide chart tells you that low tide is a 6:00am. You plan to take a trip that you know will take you inland, and last about three hours. In that case, make sure you leave no later than 9:15am. That will give you the three hours you need to reach your destination paddling with the flood current all the way. That same tide chart should also tell you when the next high tide is (probably at about 12:15pm). Not long after that, the tide will start to go out again and you will have a little over six hours to paddle back with the ebb current helping you along the way.

In coastal communities like Cape Cod, tide charts are printed in all the local newspapers and magazines, and there are also a number of specialized websites that publish them online. It's a good idea to get hold of one before you plan any kayaking trip and make tide information an important consideration when mapping out your journey.

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Sassafras 12 Canoe Project

Days 47-49 – 6 Hours

I don't know about the rest of you but 2 hours of sanding is about all I can do at one time. It has taken me the last three days to almost complete sanding the interior of the hull with the 80 grit paper. I have one more plank to complete on each side. There isn't enough room to allow me to use the orbital sander, so it's all by hand. Hopefully there will be enough room doing the outside.

three days to almost complete sanding the interior of the hull with the 80 grit paper. Days 50-52 – 6 Hours

More sanding each day until the interior of the hull is smooth and the exterior's lower planks are done. The stems are almost completely done but still a lot of exterior to complete. A note on power sanders: They work fine on large flat areas but when the planks start to curve to the stems, you can easily lose control of them and gouge right through the fiberglass. This is by far the longest portion of the build and I don’t know how it can be rushed.

More sanding each day until the interior of the hull is smoothDays 53-56 – 8 Hours

Not a lot to show you this week. Lots of rough sanding and I am still not completely done. The hull should be ready for the fine sanding next week and I expect that will go much quicker. It is really scary how quickly you can find yourself completely through the epoxy and into the wood. The planks are not flat. They are conforming to the sweeping shape of the hull, but my sander is flat. I will make sure that all surfaces are sealed before I go much further. I have a few divots to fill as well. It is starting to look pretty good. The stems are looking very good.

Lots of rough sanding and I am still not completely done.Day 57 – 2 Hours

I finished the rough sanding today. After moving the boat to the large room, I cleaned the small one. What a mess. Epoxy dust everywhere. I have been using dust cartridges in my respirator since I started. I really recommend you do the same. I have some resealing and divots to fix and I will get back to the fine sanding. I set the decks and thwart in place for the photo. I am out of town for most of next week so not much will get done. See you again in two week.

I finished the rough sanding today.

"The most important things are length, width and weight," Kitt says. "You have to get the right boat for the right job. The main difference is distance. You have to determine how far you want to paddle. A longer boat goes farther with less effort".